E2S2. Timeline task. 17 March 2020
Hi everyone,
According to our
schedule, today we have no class, but I ask that before tomorrow 17 March
at 12 o'clock you must sent me by email or through Google
Classroom a photo of the timline that you have done.
Remember that I told
you that you could make a sketch (en sucio) because we would
be adding more things to that same timeline, so nothing happens if
what you send me is a sketch at the moment. It is only to verify that
you are doing the task.
As I always tell
you, please let your colleagues know about this, so that
everyone knows.
Os recuerdo además que tenéis subidas también las instrucciones
a la plataforma Click Control para uniros al aula virtual de Google Classroom si queréis y ver así
las preguntas y dudas de vuestros compañeros y estar en contacto de
una manera más sencilla. Os mandé a todos un email de invitación a
la dirección de correo que me distéis, si no os ha llegado me
podéis escribir.
Greetings to all.
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